ILUX organizes the first GIS Day in A Coruña within Mundos Digitales activities, in collaboration with multinational Esri and the city of A Coruña

The day GIS Day – Mundos Digitales, organized by Ilux Visual Technologies and Esri, worldwide leading GIS company, and in collaboration with the A Coruña City Council thought its project Coruña Smart City, aims to raise awareness of the importance of geolocated information in our lives and seeks to promote geospatial knowledge and the use of new technologies among the youth of our city.
For the first time a GIS Day was held in A Coruña, a day dedicated to linking information from the city and its geography, a day to geotag information of interest for citizens. Thus, from the introduction to Geographic Information Systems, the setup of mobile devices, to the correct data gathering and its subsequent incorporation into a GIS system, the objective of this action is the creation of thematic city maps and its publication on the web and social media networks.