We are a client-oriented company. In order to offer the best service, innovation, excellence in work and technical knowledge are foundations of our work.
From ILUX we focus our efforts on helping our clients to understand and better manage the spatial organization of their environment, providing them with advanced visualization tools, customized and tailored to their needs. Our products simplify the complexity in the use of georeferenced information allowing efficient management of our client assets on a territorial basis.
Our strategic objectives are increasing our own commercial capacity and through agreements with third parties, consolidate our position in the region of Galicia, increase our presence in the rest of Spain and position in the foreign market, with a special focus on Latin America.
Our strategic plan includes increasing our competitive advantage by diversifying the areas in which the advanced visualization has presence and providing technological visualization solutions for urban environments.
ILUX Visual Technologies, as a company dedicated to software development of products and services of the Information Society, is committed to comply with the guidelines of the Code of Ethics of Computer Engineering, with the support of the Commission of Ethics and Ethics of the Consejo General de Colegios Profesionales de Ingeniería Informática-CCII for its technological developments.