ILUX participates on the VI Open Cities Meeting

ILUX representatives participate today in this conference exposing the advantages and benefits of advanced visualization in smart cities taking as example eVidens and it success and integration into the Platform developed for Coruña Smart City.

Under the title, “Smart Coruña: innovation and technologies for the city,” representatives of ILUX and Indra -both companies are members of the joint venture companies developing the Coruña Smart Platform- explain what the philosophy and vision of Smart Coruña is. They present the city horizontal and focused on the citizen Platform and the technologies that support it focusing on the Advanced Visualization Platform eVidens.

The Open Cities Meeting, held in Rivas – Vaciamadrid, is a forum for exchange experiences in the field of new technologies. Celebrated during six editions, establishing itself as one of the main smart cities meetings.

The conference, opened by the president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, the Secretary of State for Communications and Information Society and the Mayor of Rivas, met also staff from public administrations committed to the use of new technologies and companies in the field of Information Technology and Communication.